Read Me on Fashionista: How My Elaborate Korean Skincare Routine Helps Me Fight Depression

I was first diagnosed with major depression at 21, though I think I’d been struggling with it for at least a few years before then. I’ve had my ups and downs and tried various treatments. When I first started learning about Asian skin care products, I had no idea that an elaborate Korean-style beauty regimen would become one of my most reliable weapons against depressive episodes.

Read about how and why on Fashionista!

15 thoughts on “Read Me on Fashionista: How My Elaborate Korean Skincare Routine Helps Me Fight Depression

  1. love, love, love this post. you’re so dead on about how it all feels. i’ve been doing okay for a while, but maybe i should step up my skincare and see what happens. (at the very least, i’ll look better!) thanks for sharing so openly.

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  2. I really appreciate you speaking so honestly about your struggle with depression. The more people talk about it the less stigmatized mental health will become!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, and that is how I feel about it as well! It’s becoming more more obvious that many of us have these struggles, and it surely will be helpful if we can come into the open about it.


  3. I am another reader with whom your text deeply resonated. I too have lost too much time to the blur that is depression and have now found other interests that keep me grounded on the present.

    I loved how articulate you article was. Unfortunately I am not sure that I could do it justice. Thank you!

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  4. Your article on Fashionista deeply resonated with me, and thank you for capturing why I’ve been so obsessed with skincare in a way that I’ve never been able to. People like to trivialise my interest in beauty, but it’s exactly like what you noted about it grounding you in the present rather than the future (which depression and anxiety only makes me think about).

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  5. I am so grateful for you sharing your experience. This year I have started to really struggle with depression, it’s something I have never gone through before and It is absolutely numbing. I have also become a major beauty girl throughout this experience and while it certainly hasn’t cured my depression it gives me something to get excited about which makes quite a difference. Thank you

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m really sorry to hear that! I hope you’re able to get the support you need. Please get in touch with me if you ever want to talk about things privately.


  6. This article struck a major chord with me – it also made me realise my own battle with depression hasn’t been as bad since I started experimenting with AB and reading all the great blogs about it. Thanks for writing the article and all the good work you do – I can’t wait to join the Tosowoong trial bandwagon! 🙂


  7. This resonates with me so strongly. I’ve struggled with depression on and off for over a decade and multi-step skin care not only combines things that I love (research, shopping, spreadsheets….) but it also provides a twice daily routine that helps to keep me in the present.

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  8. I love this post! For me as well getting into asian beauty and recently starting a blog is a way of getting my mind of things that bother me. Struggling with some personal and professional issues, I instantly calm down during my evening routine (and can finally sleep at ease!). Thx for opening up for us!

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  9. This post is just . . . wow. So spot on. My whole life I’ve battled depression, paranoia and obsessive fixations. Basically, pretty tough stuff. But since I’ve found k-beauty my life feels so much calmer and put together. All the steps are just so soothing and they really help take your mind off things. I just wanted to say thank you for this amazing article:)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for sharing and for your kindness. It’s been a long time since I wrote that article, but it still holds so true for me, and it makes me happier than I can express to see that it resonates with so many other people. I’m glad you’ve found a way to calm yourself through K-beauty and I imagine that that comes through in other areas, too. Stay strong! I’m right there with you 🙂

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