Flashback Friday: That Time I Jiggled a Jar of Mizon Returning Starfish Cream

Mizon’s Returning Starfish Cream was the first moisturizer I ever liked enough to repurchase when I ran out and the first heavier cream I ever really enjoyed. It made my skin so nice. Also, I liked its bizarre jelly texture. So I made a video to show what happens when you jiggle a jar of Mizon Returning Starfish Cream, and what jiggling that cream sounds like.

Sadly, Mizon has discontinued the Returning Starfish Cream, and since the Gold Starfish variant doesn’t have nearly as much starfish in it as the original, I’m not that interested. But my memories of the OG starfish cream live on. Not just because I have that video, but because my son now uses one of the jars to store his Lego studs and other aggravatingly small pieces.


12 thoughts on “Flashback Friday: That Time I Jiggled a Jar of Mizon Returning Starfish Cream

  1. I loved that video! It always makes me sad when a really good product gets discontinued 😦 I would have loved to have tried this one.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. The jelly jiggling is amusing, though your giddiness over the jiggling is more so (in a good way–people cracking themselves up always makes me smile.)

    Liked by 2 people

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